120 Michael Jordan Quotes to Inspire Your Personal Best

120 Michael Jordan Quotes to Inspire Your Personal Best

Welcome to a powerful collection of 120 inspirational sports quotes from Michael Jordan, a collection that shines a light on the legacy of basketball’s iconic figure. These quotes go beyond the game, reflecting Jordan’s philosophy on life, success, and overcoming challenges. They offer insights into a success mindset characterized by fierce competitiveness, hard work, and the drive to surpass obstacles.

For anyone seeking motivation—sports enthusiasts, athletes, or those in need of encouragement—Jordan’s words are a compelling reminder of the heights achievable with the right mindset and ethic. Let Michael Jordan’s spirit motivate you to soar to new achievements.

120 Michael Jordan Quotes

  1. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
  2. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan
  3. “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan
  4. “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” – Michael Jordan
  5. “To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.” – Michael Jordan
  6. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
  7. “The key to success is failure.” – Michael Jordan
  8. “I play to win, whether during practice or a real game.” – Michael Jordan
  9. “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
  10. “If you quit once it becomes a habit. Never quit!” – Michael Jordan
  11. “Limits, like fear, are often just an illusion.” – Michael Jordan
  12. “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan
  13. “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” – Michael Jordan
  14. “Heart is what separates the good from the great.” – Michael Jordan
  15. “My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn’t stand the sideline.” – Michael Jordan
  16. “I never thought a role model should be negative.” – Michael Jordan
  17. “I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. I had to get out there and go for it.” – Michael Jordan
  18. “Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” – Michael Jordan
  19. “The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace.” – Michael Jordan
  20. “I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.” – Michael Jordan
  21. “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.” – Michael Jordan
  22. “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
  23. “I can’t speak for the future. I have no crystal ball.” – Michael Jordan
  24. “The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether it’s proper technique, work ethic, or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.” – Michael Jordan
  25. “There is no ‘i’ in team but there is in win.” – Michael Jordan
  26. “Even when I’m old and grey, I won’t be able to play it, but I’ll still love the game.” – Michael Jordan
  27. “If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.” – Michael Jordan
  28. I hope the millions of people I’ve touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and perseverance with a positive attitude.” – Michael Jordan
  29. “Learning’s a gift, even when pain is your teacher.” – Michael Jordan
  30. “The best come from the worst.” – Michael Jordan
  31. “I’ve never been afraid to fail.” – Michael Jordan
  32. “I believe greatness is an evolutionary process that changes and evolves era to era.” – Michael Jordan
  33. “I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result.” – Michael Jordan
  34. “In reality, I never want to grow up.” – Michael Jordan
  35. “Once I made a decision, I never thought about it again.” – Michael Jordan
  36. “Winning isn’t always championships.” – Michael Jordan
  37. “I’ve never lost a game, I just ran out of time.” – Michael Jordan
  38. “Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have.” – Michael Jordan
  39. I hope that my story, ‘Michael Jordan,’ can help, can influence, can motivate people to overcome obstacles, work hard, and follow their dreams.” – Michael Jordan
  40. “My heroes are and were my parents. I can’t see having anyone else as my heroes.” – Michael Jordan
  41. “When I will lose the sense of motivation and the sense to prove something as a basketball player, it’s time for me to move away from the game.” – Michael Jordan
  42. “My challenge when I came back was to face the young talent, to dissect their games, and show them maybe that they needed to learn more about the game than just the money aspect.” – Michael Jordan
  43. “I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.” – Michael Jordan
  44. “I wasn’t really a work-conscious type of person. I was a player. I loved to play sports.” – Michael Jordan
  45. “I want to be the bridge to the next generation.” – Michael Jordan
  46. “I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it’s an illusion to me.” – Michael Jordan
  47. “Failure is acceptable. but not trying is a whole different ballpark.” – Michael Jordan
  48. “Sometimes, things may not go your way, but the effort should be there every single night.” – Michael Jordan
  49. “Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it’s not over until it’s over.” – Michael Jordan
  50. “I’m not a Twitterer, I’m not a twerker, I’m not a Facebooker, I’m not nothing. I’m old school.” – Michael Jordan
  51. “I play for the love of the game and that’s the reason I’m playing.” – Michael Jordan
  52. “Do I need my number retired throughout the course of the league to acknowledge what I’ve done? No.” – Michael Jordan
  53. “To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.” – Michael Jordan
  54. “You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way.” – Michael Jordan
  55. “Enjoy every minute of life. Never second-guess life.” – Michael Jordan
  56. “I want to wake up every day and do whatever feels right. I want to enjoy life and not stress myself building my basketball legacy.” – Michael Jordan
  57. “I believe that a lot of people mistake my intensity for selfishness.” – Michael Jordan
  58. “I know the signs of scaredness.” – Michael Jordan
  59. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
  60. “The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort.” – Michael Jordan
  61. “The good part about being famous is being able to help people. The hard part is every day you can’t go out and be yourself.” – Michael Jordan
  62. “When you see me play, you see the results of all my hard work.” – Michael Jordan
  63. “My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.'” – Michael Jordan
  64. “I’ve never been afraid to fail, but I have always been afraid of not trying.” – Michael Jordan
  65. “Sometimes you need to get hit in the head to realize that you’re in a fight.” – Michael Jordan
  66. “It’s heavy duty to try to do everything and please everybody. My job was to go out there and play the game of basketball as best I can.” – Michael Jordan
  67. “There’s no such thing as a perfect basketball player, and I don’t believe there is only one greatest player either.” – Michael Jordan
  68. “If everybody says it’s impossible, then I want to prove them wrong.” – Michael Jordan
  69. “You have competition every day because you set such high standards for yourself that you have to go out every day and live up to that.” – Michael Jordan
  70. “I want to be perceived as a guy who played his best in all facets, not just scoring. A guy who loved challenges.” – Michael Jordan
  71. “Every time I stepped on the basketball court, I believed I was the best player.” – Michael Jordan
  72. “It’s not about the shoes, it’s about what you do in them.” – Michael Jordan
  73. “I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.” – Michael Jordan
  74. “I realize that I’m black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and that’s everybody’s wish.” – Michael Jordan
  75. “It doesn’t matter if you are a rookie or a veteran, you are going to be respected if you do things the right way.” – Michael Jordan
  76. “If you start to think you’re playing for money, or if you start to think you’re playing for fame, you lose sight of the reasons why you play.” – Michael Jordan
  77. “My challenge was to play the game and win, not to worry about what somebody thought I was.” – Michael Jordan
  78. “The best evaluation I can make of a player is to look in his eyes and see how scared they are.” – Michael Jordan
  79. “I think it’s the passion that I have for the game [that drives me to do what I do], the passion to improve, to constantly get better.” – Michael Jordan
  80. “My body is very precious to me. I’ve come to realize that without it, nothing else would matter.” – Michael Jordan
  81. “You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.” – Michael Jordan
  82. “I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting once it starts hurting.” – Michael Jordan
  83. “It’s a habit of mine now, noticing labels, logos, shoes.” – Michael Jordan
  84. “The game is my passion, my love, and it’s not just a job.” – Michael Jordan
  85. “I’ve always set short-term goals. As I look back, each one of the steps or successes led to the next one.” – Michael Jordan
  86. “I never thought about the odds at all. I just focused on playing basketball.” – Michael Jordan
  87. “I try to live my life like I play basketball.” – Michael Jordan
  88. “Basketball is my refuge, my sanctuary. I go back to being a kid on the playground.” – Michael Jordan
  89. “I trust my skills and the hard work I’ve put in, and that’s why I’m not afraid to take the last shot.” – Michael Jordan
  90. “You can’t be afraid to fail. It’s the only way you succeed – you’re not gonna succeed all the time, and I know that.” – Michael Jordan
  91. “I’m not a guy who is going to brag about myself. I’d rather let my game do all the talking.” – Michael Jordan
  92. “When you’re out there playing, you’re not thinking about the fame. You’re thinking about the competition.” – Michael Jordan
  93. “In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money.” – Michael Jordan
  94. “My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place—police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.” – Michael Jordan
  95. “I remember when I was a kid and I would dream about this day, but I sure never dreamed it was going to be like this.” – Michael Jordan
  96. “I believe we all have a competitive nature within us, it’s just a matter of how we bring it out.” – Michael Jordan
  97. “It’s hard to say if the NBA is hurt by the influx of younger players, but it’s definitely impacted the league.” – Michael Jordan
  98. “Pressure is something you feel when you don’t know what you’re doing.” – Michael Jordan
  99. “The best player on the court works the hardest.” – Michael Jordan
  100. “You have to keep moving forward, no matter what the obstacles.” – Michael Jordan
  101. “Excellence is never a mistake. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.” – Michael Jordan
  102. “A leader has to lead, or otherwise he has no business in leading.” – Michael Jordan
  103. “I don’t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.” – Michael Jordan
  104. “The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I’ve always gone where I needed comfort and peace.” – Michael Jordan
  105. “Every time I feel tired while exercising, I close my eyes to see that picture, to see that shot.” – Michael Jordan
  106. “Being able to concentrate and use your time well is everything.” – Michael Jordan
  107. “Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.” – Michael Jordan
  108. “Make it happen, no matter what.” – Michael Jordan
  109. “I don’t want to be the next anyone, I only want to be the best Michael Jordan.” – Michael Jordan
  110. “My challenge to myself is to play the game better each day and to try to improve myself, not against others but against myself.” – Michael Jordan
  111. “Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe.” – Michael Jordan
  112. “If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.” – Michael Jordan
  113. “Life is a game, basketball is serious.” – Michael Jordan
  114. “The game always tells you where you stand.” – Michael Jordan
  115. “When the game is over, my job isn’t done.” – Michael Jordan
  116. “Greatness is a lot of small things done well every day.” – Michael Jordan
  117. “If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you.” – Michael Jordan
  118. “I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.” – Michael Jordan
  119. “You must be ready to fail miserably to achieve greatly.” – Michael Jordan
  120. “Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it.” – Michael Jordan

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Seff Bray

Seff Bray is an accomplished author and the passionate founder of seffsaid.com, a website renowned for its uplifting and inspiring content. With a lifelong interest in personal development and growth, Seff has dedicated himself to empowering others through his writing.