Have you just bought a planner or are interested in starting planning? Perhaps you have been using a personal organizer for a while and would like to expand your range of inserts? Discover what are the ‘must-have’ planner pages for your personal planner. The pages you must have but didn’t know you needed!
1. Yearly Calendar
Perhaps the most important insert to have in a planner is an annual calendar. When you set long-term goals, plan events, set appointments, or want to book a holiday, it’s incredibly useful to see your year mapped out in front of you.
2. Monthly Planner
A monthly planner expands on the information you can view on a yearly calendar. As with the yearly calendar, the monthly version is vital for setting appointments, deadlines, social engagements, etc.
3. Weekly Planner
Now we’ve got to my favorite planner page… the weekly insert. For me, the most important benefit of a weekly planner is the bird’s eye view you have of your week.
Plus, by planning your week you can manage your meetings and tasks to not over face yourself, boosting productivity and reducing stress. It is most commonly available in both a 1-page and 2-page format.
4. Daily Planner
You guessed it, we are now at the daily planner, or sometimes called a daily schedule. Do you ever find that there are never enough hours in a day to achieve everything? If so, it’s probably because you are not scheduling your day effectively.
Using a daily planner allows you to schedule each appointment and task so that you don’t run out of time. Some planners include a to-do list with an area to list priorities and an area to plan your meals and snacks throughout the day.
5. To-Do List
Another great planner idea and an important insert to include in your planner arsenal is the To-Do List insert. This page is perfect for listing your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks. You’ll stay super organized, and productive, and achieve all your goals with one of these pages.
6. Goal Planner
Do you have life goals you’d like to accomplish? Maybe you have work-related goals or projects you’d like to undertake at home? You need to get yourself a Goal Planner. It will make setting goals a breeze and will boost your motivation and increase productivity tenfold.
Breaking the goal into small steps will make planning, tracking your success, and finally achieving your goals so much easier. Start enabling yourself for success today.
7. Habit Tracker
Another great addition to your personal planner is a habit tracker. As you’ve probably deduced, a habit tracker is a way to record whether you performed a habit.
And why do you need one? Because it’s a great way to help you start new daily habits that are chosen by yourself to improve certain aspects of your life. These could include habits to improve your health such as cardio or yoga, or habits to improve your home such as DIY projects.
A habit tracker works so effectively for three main reasons:
• You have a visual cue that reminds you of what you want to achieve.
• Having a chart of your progress keeps you motivated.
• You’ll have a record of your success at the end of the month.
8. Birthday Tracker
Never again forget to send a birthday card or wish someone a happy birthday by using a Birthday Tracker insert.
9. Anniversary Tracker
An anniversary tracker is another vital addition to your planner.
10. Meal Planner
Whether you wish to improve your diet, lose weight, or save money, a meal planner is a simple and easy way to achieve your goals. Most importantly, planning your meals ahead of time gives you control over your diet.
You’ll have a plan for every meal so you don’t have to find something to eat at the last minute which may be unhealthy. You’ll also save money by buying only the ingredients that you need.
11. Password Tracker
This is one of my favorite planner ideas. I think it’s fair to say that we all have a lot of usernames and passwords to remember. There are email accounts, bank accounts, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, Netflix, HBO, WhatsApp, Skype, etc. The list can be just about endless!
You probably have login details written on notepads or odd pieces of paper, making it time-consuming or even impossible to find a particular login. This is why the Password Tracker insert is a must-have insert for your personal planner. Just imagine, all your login details in one place, or no more clicking the “I forgot my password” button.
12. Wishlist Tracker
I think this insert is one of the better planner ideas. Keep a list of the items you’d like to purchase for yourself with a wishlist tracker.
13. Freezer Inventory
Although a not-so-well-known or used printable, the Freezer Inventory should be part of your personal planning system. Be honest, do you know everything that’s in your freezer? Or more importantly, do you know when it should be eaten by? By listing the contents and expiry dates you’ll never throw out food again.
14. Planting Planner
Any successful gardener will tell you that a successful vegetable patch takes a lot of planning. And there’s no better way to plan your veggies than using a planting planner.
This insert will get your veggie patch planned in no time. Map out the veggies you’d like to grow and which month each plant needs to be planted throughout the year. Start planning a whole year of sowing and planting today!
15. Reading Tracker
Do you read a lot? Keep track of all the great (and not so great!) books with a Reading Tracker insert.
16. Cleaning Schedule
Keep your home sparkling clean by planning the upcoming week’s tasks.
17. Fridge Inventory
Ever find a pot of jam, a pot of cream, or yogurts at the back of your fridge that has past its expiry date? Not only is it a waste of money, but it’s also a waste of food. This is why the Fridge Inventory insert is so important. Never throw out food again.
18. Pantry Inventory
We’ve had the freezer and fridge inventory inserts, just one more to mention, the Pantry Inventory. The same principle as the previous two, inventorize your dry goods, tins, etc. with their expiry dates and you’ll start saving money and stop wasting food.
Final Thoughts
Whether you decide to buy a ready-made planner or create your own planner (I always recommend this approach) you won’t regret the decision. I recommend starting by choosing some or all of the planner pages above and adding more when you are ready to expand. You’ll soon find yourself super organized, super productive, and way less stressed. I love planning and I’m sure you will too!